Obama in Cleveland. Kucinich 1, Obama 0
I have tried to express my heartfelt disappointment tonight a few times and have scrapped each attempt. And yet I cannot put it to bed. I think I can say it best in a series of points. Each attempt at...
View ArticleYour Next Door Neighbour Saw That..Eww!! Kewl Update
As an ex-pat Canuck in California, a US resident, but hanging on to Canadian citizenship until Jesus returns to establish the Kingdom of Heaven, or the end of medical practices for dividends, I hereby...
View ArticleFacts, Vigilance, Media: The Arrest of Shahzad. WTF!!
I am generally pleased when the axiom " you are entitled to your own opinions, but you can't invoke your own facts" is played like a trump card in a heated debate. It refreshes the mind, like a hit on...
View ArticleThank Heavens for Coincidences!
One might think, when blogging in one's PJ's, at 3 am, three tokes into the wind that weird shit in the world is somehow connected. Remember the good old days when missing blondes, missing wives,...
View ArticleThe History Channel Redeems Itself, Changes Course!
As the humble owner of a post-graduate degree in History and a handful of additional credits earned by a love of the field, as a teacher of History for 29 years, I have bemoaned, regretted and been...
View ArticleBarack Obama, Nelson Mandela, Bradley Manning: Dreams from my heroes.
I have a soft spot for idealists. I suspect most people whose political views are shaped by their morality as opposed to immediate self-interest have that same soft spot. I never doubted for one...
View ArticleDear Chris Matthews....
Mr. sputtering, frothing and infinitely rude Chris Matthews please...PLEASE!!!!.... ask your network to pull that F*%$ing promo spot where you dare the GOP to put forward "one" just "one"...
View ArticleNATGEO TV and the Sin of Conflation: 9/11 and Saddem
I awaited the National Geographic Television event... "George W Bush: the 9/11 Interview" with some academic interest. (Aired Sunday August 28, 8 pm in most time zones) It was interesting trying to...
View ArticleSpeculative Friday Note:
For the sake of gamesmanship... you have to name which two of the leading candidates for the GOP Presidential nomination ... are the two most likely to be intelligence agency assets. That's right. If...
View ArticleAn Open Letter to the Editor: Atlanta Jewish Times - Assassination of Obama...
According to wikipedia, one Andrew Adler has been the owner/publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times for a few years now. http://en.wikipedia.org/... According to the wikipedia entry :In January 2012, :...
View ArticleReflections:In the aftermath of Eichenwald's op ed
Kurt Eichenwald's op-ed at the New York Times and his subsequent appearances on CNN and MSNBC serve as a reminder, welcome or not, of an elephant that remains in the room even after being acknowledged...
View ArticleNYC Teachers, Mugged ..HELP!! Did You See?
The New York Times has a reporter ( Patrick McGeehan) who has shown more concern for the pension funds of New York City's public sector workers and demonstrated a profoundly better understanding of...
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