As an ex-pat Canuck in California, a US resident, but hanging on to Canadian citizenship until Jesus returns to establish the Kingdom of Heaven, or the end of medical practices for dividends, I hereby declare, as an alien in your midst, that you might just care to see the view in the mirror.
Let's say the neighbours mirror over the fireplace also captures what's going on in YOUR backyard.
Normally the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's ( CBC ) national news is delivered by Peter Mansbridge. Not last night. Peter was being wooed by NBC years ago to counter Jennings at ABC, but the reigning Canadian anchor surrendered his seat to keep Mansbridge on CBC.
(Hmmm. Imagine 9/11 with Jennings on ABC and Mansbridge on NBC. It nearly happened.)
Share your neighbours view for a few moments?
When loaded up... do what you wish, but this diary addresses 6:30 thru 12:00, HCR, East Jerusalem, Passport fraud, Coultergeist in Canada.